Jako slepý k houslím, můžete přijít k zablokování účtu na Fotolia. Nahrál jsem dvě stovky úplně jiných popsaných fotek (jiné zvíře, jiné prostředí, z jiného dne) na FTP, že si budu ve volných dodělávat kategorie. Někdy jim tolik fotek najednou nevadilo, vždy jsem najednou přes FTP nahrával i víc.
Přišel email a prd, skončil jsem.
"Hi there,
Your Fotolia/Adobe Stock account has been blocked because you have been sending content which is deemed to be spam/unnecessary.
As a general rule, contributors should limit themselves to three significant versions of a single motif, unless the complexity of the image’s promotional message calls for an exception. Croppings, mirrored images and duplicate images/videos (In black and white and then in colour or with colour filters, for example) are prohibited. Sending images with minimal differences, such as slight angle or depth changes are also to be avoided. Our years of experience have shown that a small number of versions of a motif facilitates the commercial success of the respective files in question. Adobe cannot assist or advise contributors in the selection of their most promising contents from a series, within the scope of the moderation process. In short, you should not send us every single photograph from your photoshoot, rather select the best prospects and submit that for review.
We therefore urge you to take this into account for the future, to refrain from uploading files that are too similar and to remove duplicate files from your portfolio. Please confirm the acknowledgment of this message and your willingness to observe these rule by creating a Support ticket (
https://en.fotolia.com/Member/OpenTicket) and requesting to have your account unblocked. You will need to state that you understand the reasons your account was blocked and that you commit to adhere to the specified guidelines.
The disregard of these rules can result in re-blockage or even termination of the member account. However, this is not in our interest and we appreciate your understanding in establishing a constructive collaboration.
Kind regards,
Adobe Contributor Relations