fotobanker píše:Tak jsem testoval Microstock Plus a cca tyden pote koukam na Storyblocks, ze mam zmenene udaje na vyplaty a smerujici do Ruska. Ted zjistuju, jestli je problem na strane Microstock+, kde zadavate udeje k fotobankam, nebo nekde jinde. Jine fotobanky beze zmeny. Mozna hlavne proto, ze vetsinou musi byt zmeny potvrzeny mailem.
Mate nekdo podobnou zkusenost?
First of all, I apologize for writing in English as my Czech is not good enough
![Sad :(](
Microstock.Plus is really using a secure server to store your passwords. Some kind of a 'black box' where the data can be stored in and never taken out. Even if you open your agencies settings for editing after filling in some data - you won't see it there because there is no way to take it back from that server.
Our users have requested many times a feature to synchronize the credentials back from M+ to StockSubmitter but it's not possible to implement without breaking that security so we had to refuse.
Thus, even if someone would gain access to your M+ account they wouldn't be able to get your microstock agencies credentials.
In your situation I would recommend the following:
1. Check your computer for viruses, trojans, keyloggers and similar stuff, preferably while NOT booting from your hard drive.
2. Change your passwords on all agencies to something that you are NOT using anywhere else.
shalom3 píše:...Je však určitá věc, která se mi na Microstock+ moc nelíbí. A sice při připojení přes ftp se zobrazuje hláška "Nezabezpečený server, nepodporuje FTP přes TLS". Nejsem však odborník na zabezpečení, takže nevím, co to může mít za důsledky.
For FTP we're generating random passwords not matching your M+ account password so it is not a big deal if someone will sniff it. The most they will be able to do is to flood your account with garbage mov/eps/jpeg files but we can sort that out easily if it happens. They won't be able to access your M+ account nor download your files back because they're instantly moved from FTP accessible folders once you upload them.