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Search Freshness
Over the past year, there has been a slow but gradual shift in the freshness of search results for creative stills (photo and illustration) on iStock.
As a result, we are seeing that files uploaded this year (2017) are not receiving the same exposure in search that new files have historically received.
As such, we are moving forward with a multi‑step recalibration of search, to reverse this trend and give new files a better chance.
We want to ensure that our search results are a healthy mix of fresh, new files and relevant, proven best‑sellers. To do that, we are carefully making adjustments to ensure that we do not negatively impact current customer download volumes.
Our current test is underway so some customers are seeing it today. We will let this test run until the end of September before making any further changes.
Fotograf, grafik, fotobankéř na volné noze a místní admin | fotobanky.cz | ilustrator.cz | dubanci.cz